#44, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus
Lion’s mane is an amazing fungi. It is a delicious edible mushroom with amazing neurogenic properties. It is sometimes called bearded tooth mushroom or bearded hedgehog. In Japan, it’s known as yamabushitake, which means “mountain priest mushroom. I am in awe of Lion’s Mane’s medicinal properties. It is well known for its ability to regenerate nerves and increase Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). Lion’s Mane’s ability to increase remyelination is being studied in MS (multiple sclerosis). Lion’s Mane helps improve cognitive function. It is immunosupportive, anti -inflammatory, and an antioxidant. It helps many improve digestive function. Many find it helpful in managing anxiety and depression.
I have linked many research article below as well as well as Nyshar’s informative Lion’s Mane video.
Here is how I make Lion’s Mane extract for my family:
Here’s a direct link to the folks we buy our mushrooms from: http://maylandmushrooms.com
Here’s a great video from Nyishar (who has an excellent YouTube channel on medicinal fungi)
Research & Articles:
Here’s a link to many different articles at: http://mushroomreferences.com/category/lions-mane/
Lion’s Mane Mushroom – Unparalleled Benefits for Your Brain and Nervous System
What are the benefits of lion's mane mushrooms?
Neurological Activity of Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)
Hericium erinaceus: an edible mushroom with medicinal value
Anti-fatigue activities of polysaccharides extracted from Hericium erinaceus
Lion's Mane extract is capable of promoting peripheral nerve regeneration after injury in rats.
Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake
*The statements made in the video and and on this page are not approved by the FDA. LymeCompass.net is NOT offering medical advice. This information is for educational purposes only. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you heard or read on this website